nt-load-order Part 2: More than you ever wanted to know

Welcome to the second part of my blog series on the Windows driver load order. Good to see that you made it up to here. After the preparations in my last post, we are now finally equipped with all necessary tools to analyze the load order and develop a compatible sorting algorithm …

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ReactOS Build Environment 2.2 released

The ReactOS Build Environment (RosBE), our curated set of compilers and build tools, has just received a major upgrade. After more than 7 years of using the same and now ancient GCC 4.7.2, ReactOS is finally going to be built with the help of a modern compiler (GCC 8.4.0). Among other things, the new version better …

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Licensing - Make ReactOS conform again!

The ReactOS Hackfest 2017 is still ongoing and I held my second presentation today, digging into the delicate topic of Licensing. ReactOS has grown to an enormously complex project over the years, making use of numerous other open-source projects to reach its goals. Each of them comes with a license, which usually …

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Introducing Kaasimir - GPU Testing Made Simple

The ReactOS Hackfest 2017 started yesterday and I held a presentation today about a project I have been working on for the past few weeks. An oft-repeated criticism is ReactOS' inability to run on anything else than a virtual machine. While our real hardware support has become better and better over the recent years, …

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ReactOS printing for the first time!

As some of you may already know, my university gave me the unique opportunity to choose a ReactOS topic for my bachelor thesis. Three months ago, my decision fell on the Printing Stack, which was totally non-existing in ReactOS at that time. Since then, you can watch my daily progress in the colins-printing-for-freedom …

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ReactOS Deutschland e.V. is live!

It took almost a year, but as of today ReactOS Deutschland can finally call itself an e.V.! (eingetragener Verein = registered association) Now what is ReactOS Deutschland and why should I care?

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